Strabismus Surgery: What Are the Key Considerations?

Strabismus surgery, often referred to as squint surgery, aims to correct misalignment of the eyes, a condition known as strabismus. This procedure is crucial for improving both visual function and cosmetic appearance. Whether the misalignment is present from birth or develops later in life, understanding the key considerations before, during, and after the surgery can significantly impact the overall success and recovery.

Understanding Strabismus

Strabismus occurs when the eyes do not align properly. One eye may turn in, out, up, or down while the other eye remains straight. This misalignment can lead to double vision, reduced depth perception, and can sometimes affect a person’s self-esteem due to cosmetic concerns. Strabismus is typically treated in childhood, but adults can also undergo surgery if they have developed or maintained the condition into adulthood.

Key Considerations for Strabismus Surgery

  1. Pre-Surgical Evaluation

Before undergoing strabismus surgery, a thorough evaluation is essential. This includes:

  • Detailed Eye Examination: An eye specialist will assess the degree of misalignment, the range of eye movements, and overall eye health. This evaluation helps in planning the surgical approach.
  • Visual Acuity Testing: Determining how well each eye can see is crucial. Poor vision in one eye may affect the surgical outcome.
  • Assessment of Binocular Vision: Evaluates how well the eyes work together and whether any compensatory mechanisms are in place.
  1. Surgical Planning

Strabismus surgery involves altering the muscles around the eye to improve alignment. Key considerations in surgical planning include:

  • Type of Procedure: The specific surgical technique depends on the type and extent of strabismus. Common techniques include weakening or strengthening certain eye muscles.
  • Anesthesia: Most strabismus surgeries are performed under general anaesthesia, though some may be done under local anaesthesia with sedation.
  1. During the Surgery

The procedure itself is generally straightforward:

  • Surgical Technique: The surgeon makes small incisions in the conjunctiva (the membrane covering the eye) to access the eye muscles. The muscles are then repositioned or adjusted to correct alignment.
  • Duration: Strabismus surgery typically lasts between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the case.
  1. Post-Surgical Care

Recovery after strabismus surgery is crucial for achieving the desired outcome:

  • Immediate Aftercare: Patients usually experience some discomfort, redness, and swelling post-surgery. These symptoms typically subside within a few days.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Regular check-ups with the eye specialist are essential to monitor healing and adjust any necessary treatment.
  • Visual Rehabilitation: In some cases, vision therapy may be recommended to help the eyes adapt to their new alignment and to improve binocular vision.
  1. Potential Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks:

  • Infection and Inflammation: While rare, there is a risk of infection and inflammation which can affect the outcome.
  • Overcorrection or Under correction: Sometimes, the initial surgery may not achieve perfect alignment, requiring additional procedures.
  • Visual Disturbances: Some patients might experience temporary visual disturbances, such as double vision, which typically resolves over time.
  1. Long-Term Outcomes

Strabismus surgery is often successful in realigning the eyes and improving visual function. Long-term outcomes can vary based on several factors:

  • Age at Surgery: Younger patients often have better outcomes due to greater plasticity of the visual system.
  • Pre-Surgical Conditions: The presence of other eye conditions can impact the results.


Strabismus surgery is a precise and effective treatment for correcting eye misalignment, which can greatly enhance both visual function and appearance. For those in Brisbane seeking expert care, the Southside Eye Centre offers comprehensive assessments and treatments tailored to individual needs. Our dedicated team ensures that each patient receives personalised care, utilizing the latest techniques and technology in eye care. For comprehensive Cataract Surgery Brisbane, trust the expertise and care provided by Southside Eye Centre.

By understanding these key considerations, patients can make informed decisions about their treatment and work towards achieving the best possible outcomes in their journey to improved vision.